Friday, January 3, 2014


Have had some questions about where we are going, so I thought I'd post our current itinerary. This could change once we get there, but for now that is what we're working with. Extra special thanks to my brother, John, for working out the details.

Jan 20, 2014  - Teenlet and I leave Seattle and fly through Newark.
Jan 21 - Teenlet and I arrive in Delhi (Indira Ghandi International Airport). John and Dad arrive from Chicago.
We play in Delhi for a couple of days, letting ourselves acclimatize to the culture and time zone, 13.5 hours ahead of home. 
Jan 24 - Train to Agra (location of the Taj Mahal)
Jan 25 - Overnight train to Udaipur (the lake city) - reportedly one of the most beautiful locations in India. Also, some of the training done when my grandparents were in the Peace Corps was done in Udaipur.
Jan 26 - Arrive Udaipur, and play for a couple of days.
Jan 28 - Overnight train to Ahmedabad (home of Mahatma Ghandi's ashram and center of India's textile industry).
Jan 29 - Train to Vapi (north of Mumbai), rent a car and driver and drive around the area where my great-grandparents were missionaries, and my grandfather grew up.
Jan 30 - Train Vapi to Ahmedabad
Jan 31 - Teenlet and I overnight train to Delhi (John and Dad continue on, to Jaipur and Nainital)
Feb 1a - Play in Delhi a bit, then to the airport we go for 11:35pm departure.
Feb 1b - In the air
Feb 2 - Arrive home, hopefully in time to watch the Super Bowl.

Note: I get my birthday twice, because we will be moving back in time as we fly. I doubt there will be cake, though.

We will be moving a lot, but much of it is on overnight trains, so we're hoping that helps with the long train rides - for example, Ahmedabad to Delhi is 13 hours. I expect that is when I will be creating my blog posts, to upload them whenever I get to a WiFi connection.

Anyway, that's where we will be!

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