Sunday, February 2, 2014

Things I Miss About Home

Mattresses that are more than 3 inches thick
Toilet paper (and its correlary, not carrying tp in my purse)
Not wearing a million bags around my neck (security bag for passport & cash, purse, camera)
Soft towels and unstained sheets
Reliably hot showers
Clean clothing
Not worrying about illness from the water I drink or the food I eat
A cute handbag (travel one is very handy but UUUUUUUGGGGGLY!)
Queues, taking turns in an orderly fashion
Not being stared at
Street signs
Quiet, peace, time alone
But most of all... David (and my kitty).

Things I will miss about India:
The prices for foods and goods
The beautiful clothing on all the women - even those in poverty have some gorgeous clothes, maybe only one or two options, but they are so colorful!!
Clothing market, Jaipur
The food
The India head nod
Seeing elephants (camels, cows) walking in traffic

Elephant, walking in traffic, Ahmedabad

Hanging with three of my four favorite guys.
Outside Jama Masjid, Delhi

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